Chapter 6 | Part 1 | UKBM 6 | KB 1

 Hi everyone!

Here, we start to learn for next chapter with the tittle "We love what we do". The outline of this chapter, we will learn about job or profession. But, more than that poin, we also try to deeply explore about someone's job and his/her activity related with his/her job. To make it clearly, please open your course book When English Rings a Bell, in page 128. There is a dialogue located in a classroom between a teacher and students. Try to read it carefull guys. Then, you can pay attention to the review material covered in video below.

Now, you can take a note about the material in your note book. Write it again in your notebook. The table below isthe review material.

Then, try to check your understanding about today's material by doing the assigment in Kegaiatan Belajar 1. You can download the file by clicking HERE.

~ Have a good spirit ~

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