UKBM 2 for 8th Grade


        Let's continue to the next session in the second chapter with the title "We can do it, and we will do it" in the book of When English Rings a Bell for 8th Grade.

        The discussion in this chapter will be separated in two part, talking about ability and willingness. For the first and second part are already presented in the short dialogue in page 19 - 32. You can check it by yourself, study individually and discuss it with your classmate. In order to excercise your understanding related with this chapter, you can download UKBM 2 in which had already syncronize with the material in this chapter by clicking HERE.

        Several part of this UKBM, there is listening excercise which can be download the material and listen it from the video that had already prepared. You can watch and listen carefully the video bellow:

Then, if you have already done with the group or individual assignment, submit it in HERE.

Have a great day

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