UKBM 5 for 7th Grade

UKBM 5 merupakan implementasi latihan soal terhadap materi yang terdapat pada Chapter 5 yang terdapat pada buku  When English Rings a Bell  for  7th Grade . Didalam UKBM ini termuat 4 Kegiatan Belajar, dimulai dari Kegiatan Belajar 1, Kegiatan …

Chapter 5 | Part 4 | UKBM 5 | KB 4

Hi fellas, this is the end of material in Chapter 5 of the course book When English Rings a Bell . You may pay attention to the review material from the video bellow. Don't forget to take a note on your notebook about the material bellow. You can…

Chapter 5 | Part 3 | UKBM 5 | KB 3

Hii everyone!!! How is life? Let's continue to the next part in this chapter! So, first of all, please read by yourself the coursebook When English Rings a Bell on page 120 - 122 . Then, try to pay attention carefully on the review material belo…

Chapter 5 | Part 2 | UKBM 5 | KB 2

Hi fellas!           For today's meeting, let's continue to the next UKBM in Kegiatan Belajar 2. First of all, please read the material in the English Course Book in page 111 - 119 . Read them carefully and try to pay attention more to the …

Chapter 5 | Part 1 | UKBM 5 | KB 1

Good morning everyone! Nice to see you in the beginning of the second semester in online class.                From now on! Let's start the first meeting in the next UKBM, it is UKBM 5, in which this UKMB are syncronized with the material in chap…

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