Course Book

English Course Book for 8th Grade in Kurikulum Merdeka

Silahkan didownload softfile buku mata pelajaran bahasa inggris disemester 3 yang berjudul "English for Nusantara" yang akan digunakan untuk menunjang pembelajaran yang bermoda hybird learning. Klik  DISINI untuk mendownload bukunya.

English Course Book for 8th Grader

Hello everyone! From now on, all of you can download the course book softfile for 8th grader. As we know that there are so many materials in this level. You need to be focus on them because it should be completed in 2 semesters. Take it easy…

English Course Book for 7th Grader

Here is the soft file of English Book English for Nusantara.  You may download and use it to learn by yourself in home. Moreover, you can printed it out to be a hard file. So, you can learn the material easily without facing many problems while lear…

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