Chapter 5 | Part 1 | UKBM 5 | KB 1

 Good morning everyone!

Nice to see you in the beginning of the second semester in online class.
        From now on! Let's start the first meeting in the next UKBM, it is UKBM 5, in which this UKMB are syncronized with the material in chapter 5 in the English Course Book we have alredy used in 7th grade started in previous semester.

        For today's meeting, I wanna know how far you can learn by yourself individually. You can learn and pay attention to the material in page 100 - 107, read it first, then you should take a note in your notebook for the material! You'll need it someday. Below is the review material that had already prepared.

You may download the material (PPT) above by clicking Here. After that, try to do the exercise in Kegiatan Belajar 1 by downloading the file and printing it. Here is the file of UKBM 5 KB 1. Please submit it when we have offline class.

- Have a nice day -

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