Chapter 5 | Part 2 | UKBM 5 | KB 2


Hi fellas!

        For today's meeting, let's continue to the next UKBM in Kegiatan Belajar 2. First of all, please read the material in the English Course Book in page 111 - 119. Read them carefully and try to pay attention more to the material. After that, you may watch the review material below:

        So, how about the material guys? Is it difficult? or it's so easy for you? Alright, for the addition, you may also learn the material in Simple Present Tense, in the other part of this web page. Don't forget to take a note about the materials on your note book because you may need it someday.

        After that, do the exercise in Kegiatan Belajar 2 by downloading the file and printing it. Here is the file of UKBM 5 KB 2. Don't forget to submit it when we have offline class.

- Have a good day -

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